Sunday, February 25, 2007

A teaser

I took Friday off work to recover from the real estate drama earlier this week. As soon as Chad left for work, I grouted the dragon mosaic I've been working on. He's completely done now, and polished up and looking quite fabulous. I need to take a good photo in some natural light, which only occurs when I'm at work, nowadays. So, I'll post a good photo of the completed mosaic as soon as I can. For now, use your imagination. Grouting is so much fun.

I had a fairly considerable bawl-o-rama on Chad's shoulder when it sank in that we'll actually be leaving this apartment, with all its wonderful memories. But then, there was the day back in December when the landlord was re-cementing a chunk of the foundation in the basement apartment, and our apartment filled with billowing clouds of concrete dust. We had to plug up all the heating vents with books, magazines, pillows--anything that was handy. And then last year there were the crazy main-floor neighbours who secretly hated us, but were sweet to our faces, then locked us out of the house accidentally-on-purpose more than once. Assholes. But I won't miss having to turn off the coffee maker to blow-dry my hair (same breaker=blown fuses=having to bother the basement neighbour to reset the fuse box). And I won't miss certain aspects of renting, but I'll sure as hell miss my beautiful, sunny Crafty Kitchen, and our kayaks in the hallway and on the stairs. But it's the beginning of a new era, with new memories, and maybe a Crafty Nook.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be sure to leave a big bag of flaming poo on your asshole neighbours' doorstep on moving day. How could anyone hate you and Chad? What is there to hate? They're furious that you're such quiet, kind, considerate neighbours? They envy your gorgeous strawberry locks? Your savvy fashion sense? Just because THEIR cat is illiterate doesn't mean they have to be jerks.